Oct 30, 2016

The Jetsons - Rosie, the Robot - Reported Speech

This creative activity was provided by a reader, Graziela Pinheiro. She's from São Paulo and has been a private teacher for about 10 years now.

Thanks, Graziela, for the contribution. We can't wait for more..

Can you complete these sentences?
'I don’t want pizza'.
She said _____________________________________

‘I hate it’, he told me.
He told me he _________________________________

‘Remember me? We met at last year’s party’, Mary asked John.

Mary asked ____________________________________________

Don't Forget:

1.      Pronouns
2.      Backshifting
3.      Reporting verbs – say, tell, ask are most used; try different verbs and adverbs to represent the mood of the speaker. Eg: quietly agreed, happily told, angrily shouted, confidently declared, categorically denied.

Complete the gaps using the correct form of the verbs below.
Watch the video and check your answers (1.10):

TV:         Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
This is Jack Jetwash, your slipped disk jockey on 3-D TV at half past 700 hours, on this good, good, good morning, with your modern mother’s muscle tone program of the air.
Now, chins up! I____________, chin up, index fingers out.
Ready for your push-button finger exercises? (1)
Jane:     I’m ready (2)
TV:         One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two!­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ __________!
Judy:     Okay, Mom, take five! (3)
Good morning! And did you change your mind?
Jane:     No! It’s too cool to go ___________after school. Besides, you won’t be home in time for dinner. (4) 
Judy:     From Acapulco?
Jane:     Oh! I __________ you were going to Hawaii (5)  .
Well, all right if your father says yes.
Judy:     Oh, he will! (6) 
Daddy? Daddy, are you asleep? (6) 
George: Yes… (7) 
Judy:     Thanks, daddy! (8) 
                Daddy __________ yes! (9) 
Jane: Ok, then!

Work with your partner.
Use reported speech to re-write the following dialogs:
(1) Jack Jetwash asked if everybody was ready for their push-button finger exercises.
(2) Jane ______________________________________________________
(3) Judy ______________________________________________________ and
(4)  ______________________________________________________
(4)  Jane ____________________________________________________________________
(5)  Jane ___________________________________________________________.
(6)  Judy ___________________________________________________________________
(7)  George ______________________________________________________________
(8)   Judy ____________________________________________________________
(9)  Judy ____________________________________________________________

Complete the gaps using the correct form of the verbs below.
Watch the video and check your answers (1.10):

TV:         Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
This is Jack Jetwash, your slipped disk jockey on 3-D TV at half past 700 hours, on this good, good, good morning, with your modern mother’s muscle tone program of the air.
Now, chins up! I MEAN chin up, index fingers out.
Ready for your push-button finger exercises? (1)
Jane:     I’m ready (2)
TV:         One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two! One, two!­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ REST!
Judy:     Okay, Mom, take five! (3)
Good morning! And did you change your mind?
Jane:     No! It’s too cool to go SWIMMING after school. Besides, you won’t be home in time for dinner. (4) 
Judy:     From Acapulco?
Jane:     Oh! I THOUGHT  you were going to Hawaii (5)  .
Well, all right if your father says yes.
Judy:     Oh, he will! (6) 
Daddy? Daddy, are you asleep? (6) 
George: Yes… (7) 
Judy:     Thanks, daddy! (8) 
                Daddy  SAID yes! (9) 
Jane: Ok, then!

Suggested answers. 
As this is only a review, it’s good to encourage students to use different verbs and leave “say” and “tell” behind as well as making their speech more colorful, using adverbs when possible. 
(1) Jack Jetwash asked if everybody was ready for their push-button finger exercises.
(2) Jane SLEEPILY SAID she was.
(3) Judy SUGGESTED her mother took a rest and
(4)  ASKED if she had changed her mind.
(4)  Jane POINTED OUT that it was too cool for swimming and reminded Jane that she wouldn’t be home in time for dinner.
(5)  Jane REPLIED that she thought Jude was going to Hawaii.
(6)  Judy EXCLAIMED her father would say yes.
(7)  George MUMBLED yes
(8)   Judy HAPPILY THANKED her father
(9)  Judy told her mother that George’s answer was yes.


  1. I´ve already used with my students..It worked pretty well.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. There is a direct download link at the end of the post.
